seeing the sea lions.

Today was a special day at work.

They gave all Zoo employees free ice cream and lemonade!

Just kidding (sort of, I mean, they actually did do that). 

But seriously, it was a fun day because we got to take that free ice cream and lemonade to a preview of the Sea Lion Show taking place in the Zoo’s brand new Sea Lion Sound exhibit!

This is the first big construction project the Saint Louis Zoo has undertaken in quite a while and boy was it, well, BIG!

As a kid, I once wrote an essay for a “how I wish I could spend my summer” writing contest about how I wanted to spend my summer being a sea lion at the Saint Louis Zoo. I mean, really, who wouldn’t? From my perspective, those sea lions lazed around all day in the sunshine of their basin, occasionally dipping into the water to take a blissfully cool swim. Ideal summer, right? The judges didn’t really agree. I think my older sister won that contest. I believe her summer wish somehow involved a flying unicorn. Not much beats a flying unicorn. 

Still, watching the show on that brand, spanking new stage today, I can’t help but wish I could spend this summer as a sea lion at the Zoo (or at least a sea lion trainer!). The exhibit is FABULOUS! I’ve never seen such beautiful, blue water. I could camp out in the walk through tunnel watching those sea lions glide around, all grace and bubbles, for hours. And the set! Let’s just say our Children’s Zoo Show Crew left the event a little green with envy this afternoon (if only we had a moat! and a slide!). But overall, it was a lot of fun and a beautiful exhibit.

I know it’s supposed to be one hundred million degrees on Saturday, but really, everyone should brave the heat and come out for our sea lions. Trust me, it is well worth it. 

And while you’re at the Zoo, don’t forget to stop by and see that little, silvery grey cow around the corner! She’ll be waiting for you!